Christmas Market


Christmas markets are hugely popular in Europe! Some are really famous but most have become commercialised and lost authenticity.

For years in Bern we have already had two Christmas markets. This year a third was opened that everybody raves about.

This new Christmas Market is also very central and in a park next to the houses of parliament. It is really beautiful and has a much more authentic feel. The stalls are set up for about three weeks before Christmas. But they are beautiful and lovingly designed. There are lot’s of food opportunities but also sweets and many possible Christmas gifts available. A lot of atmosphere pervades this newly created but temporary space well worth checking out.

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Now in December outside it’s often really cold. But inside our homes it is warm and beautiful. Typical Christmas cookies are baked. And the kids are getting excited for Christmas when finally they get their long anticipated gifts.

In Switzerland and Germany the four weeks leading up to Christmas are called Advent (latin: arrival – celebrating the arrival or birth of Jesus Christ). On the first Sunday of Advent (either end of November or beginning of December) a first candle is lit on an advent wreath. By then the house also gets decorated for Christmas. On each consecutive Sunday another candle is lit. When the fourth candle is lit Christmas is just around the corner.

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