The Engadin


The Engadin is a 80km long valley on an altitude of 1800m. The locals speak the fourth national language of our country: Romantsch. The area is famous for its beauty with the typical houses of this area and many high class restaurants.

The most famous location is tiny city of St. Moritz. Here many wealthy and famous people from all over the world own a houses, which is empty most of the time. Within a small parameter you will find very exclusive shops and hotels.

The view (picture) is taken from a mountain called Muotas Muragl (at 2456m) with a cable train leading up. St. Moritz is just below at the shore of the last of four lakes streching on through the valley.

The second picture is from Piz Corvatsch nearby at 3303m. This site is easily accessible by cable car. In winter this area is famous for ski sports. During summer there are trails for hundreds of km for hiking and biking.