Le Creux du Van


This spectacular valley is also called „the Grand Canyon of Switzerland“. Along the rim of a rock cauldron it goes hundreds of meters down to the bottom of the valley. The cauldron is about 1200m wide.

The valley is protected and virtually untouched. In the middle a cold spring (the water stays constantly at 4°C) flows out of the valley. Chamois, capricorns, lynx, fox, deer and many different birds have made their home there. A new nature movie lynxlefilm.ch explores the life of a lynx family in this area within a breathtaking scenery.

The valley is located between the the Cantons of Neuchâtel and Waadt in the French speaking part of Switzerland. It is easiest to go up from the village of Couvet (NE) and head for the Restaurant Soliat with parking lots. About 300m across a meadow you hit the amazing view from atop the rim. Follow the road back up and come down on the other side of the mountain (VD) with a stunning view of lake Neuchâtel and the alps in the background.