Since Corona people use much less cash than before. It is just so convenient to pay with a card or a phone that is wiped across a sensor at the checkout desk.
Nowadays there are more than a dozen possibilities to pay without using cash. (See picture).
At the same time many people are also aware that this convent way of paying without cash leads to increased data trails that are easily tracked. Many people are weary of increasing control mechanisms.
Switzerland is a direct democracy. A new political initiative has just been launched that insists that the government would not be allowed to abolish cash. In other words people should always have the possibility of paying by cash and not be forced to pay with a card.
The deadline for the initiative was Februar 17. A 100’000 signatures are needed for it to be valid. Around 157’000 were collected. So some time in the nearer future this initiative will be presented to the people in Switzerland. I think there is a fair chance that the Swiss will vote yes and accept this initiative.