The picture shows the Ukrainian Embassy here in Bern.

February 24, 2022 a new chapter opened for Europe with a war launched by President Putin on European soil. Russia attacked the Ukraine with the idea of liberating it from an oppressive regime. The Russians expected to be greeted as liberators and that the whole operation would just take a few days only. A month later the war still rages on as Russia is meeting unexpected and strong resistance. The Ukrainians are fighting for their lives, their country and their freedom. The Russians just follow orders from above.

The toll of this war is terrible not only for the Ukraine but also for the Russian army. Masses of refugees (women and children) are fleeing the country. Many are traumatized. Europe is welcoming them and trying to help them settle into new lives.

The outcome of this war is very uncertain. Is it going to escalate and explode into a Third World War? Or is it hopefully ending soon with a chance of rebuilding and healing. We keep praying for the latter.