The area of Lavaux is located between Vevey and Lausanne above the lake of Geneva in the Canton de Vaud (french speaking). A variety of Chasselas grapes are the base for the Grand Cru of Lavaux vines produced in the villages of Lutry, Villette, Epesses, St. Saphorin, Chardonne, Dézaley, Calamin and Vevey. 80% of Lavaux’s vine production is white wine.

The vine production profits from a triple effect of the sun: direct sunlight, the sun reflected from the lake, and the warmth stored in the thousands of walls forming the terraces of Lavaux.

About 250 families are involved in the vine production where the vineyards have been handed down over generations. The oldest records go back to a vineyard in Lutry mentioned in 997.

Since 2007 the area of Lavaux has become a UNESCO World Heritage.

Explore the area between June and October with a guided tour on Sunday afternoon. Start your tour at 3pm in Cully. The tour takes 2 1/2 hours and finishes with tasting the wine! Round your tour off by taking the old „Swiss“ steam vessel that was lovingly renovated and cruise the lake. Going back to Bern just takes a good hour only.